My name is Wendy. I’m a 47 year old mother of four adult children. I’ve been in a loving, committed relationship for 6 years. I have a great job, beautiful home, and a few really good friends, with many more acquaintances. I have 3 siblings, and my parents are both alive. There’s no doubt that I’m blessed in my life. Sounds perfect, right? But there’s a catch. And maybe other people can relate to this. I’ve never felt comfortable in my own skin. Sometimes I’d avoid looking in the mirror because I didn’t like what I’d see. Or I’d see my reflection and have a sense of self-loathing. I saw every thing that makes me unique as an imperfection. In time I hated myself. I felt lost. I felt weak, emotionally and physically. If someone complimented me, I didn’t believe they were being truthful. I was overweight, not grossly so, but my clothing sizes had been creeping up year after year, and nothing ever felt like it looked good on me. I was tired all the time. If I wasn’t working, I’d usually just go to bed, sometimes as early as 6:00 on the evening. I didn’t want to participate in group activities with my family. I didn’t feel involved in my own life. I was depressed.
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May 2021
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