Short on time but still want to get fit? Go through this 10 minute workout to burn fat quick! The circuit can even be done mutiple times throughout the day.
Perform as Circuit Style:
You've started to notice your posture shift, for better or worse. Your shoulders may have slumped forwards, neck shifted forward or your hips tilt a little more than before. Maybe you have not noticed any of these changes. The truth is most of us have left some part of our "ideal posture" shift towards not-so ideal. What is a physical sign of this fact? Low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain or inability to exercise without experiencing joint pain of any type. Fix your knee and low back pain. The good news is you can take action to correct your posture and experience pain-free living, in 5 short minutes. Band exercisesAll you need is a band for these exercises. The exercises from the video below are; pull-aparts, "no monies", reverse grip pull-aparts, palms up "no monies". Do 12 repetitions at each 4, rest after the 4th exercise. Repeat all 4 exercises 2-3 more times. Focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together here. Dumbbell exercisesThe rotator cuff is a common site of injury and pain, because the shoulder joint is a hub of mostly all the muscles of the upper body. When the shoulder joint is misaligned, some muscles have to work harder for others, causing an over-emphasis of the misalignment and leading to pain. A good way to treat and prevent this agonizing pain is to warm up with the 4 exercises in the video. All of which are commonly known as the "I", "Y", "T" and rotator raise exercise series. Perform 10-12 repetitions of each exercise, rest and repeat another 2-3 times. Practice movementsIn the videos above, I go through a few exercises you can add into any workout. Try to incorporate at least 2 of the 8 above to each of your workouts or daily movement practices. You will see a huge change in your posture.
May 2021
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